as of now, senator mccain is not planning on attending the debate at the university of mississippi. i believe it is honorable for the senator to stick to his guns and put his country first during our country's financial issues. however, i have a hunch he will show up. if senator obama had agreed to suspend his compain as well i really don't believe there would be a debate on friday night. that's why i don't think mccain is going to let the illinois senator steal his thunder. obama has pledged to be there whether his opponent shows up or not.
what i have to ask myself is whether i would rather have the two candidates in washington or in oxford. i really believe that they can do both. not only that, but i believe amercians would rather hear from them on the issues at this time. i don't really know what they can do in this crisis other than to obey their commander and chief and meet with him to be in on the discussions of the bail out. nevertheless, we live in a small, technological, accessible world today and the debate will not factor into the dismissal of the issues we are facing. the candidates can have their cake and eat it too. the cake might not taste that good, but you know what i mean.
i have to believe that somehow things will have worked themselves out before friday in order for mccain and obama to bless ole miss with their presence. after all, they have spent 4 million dollars preparing the campus for this occasion and you know that rebels can't afford losing that much money that could have been used to recruit new football talent.
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