Sunday, September 28, 2008

"Soul Men" starring, Samuel L. Jackson, Bernie Mac, and......Brad Day!

i got the chance to be in a movie called "soul men" back in february of this year as a result of my friendship with todd dubose. todd lives just outside of shreveport, louisiana which in the movie capitol of the south. todd has been an extra in several movies as of late and got to be good friends with a casting director from los angeles. to make a long story short, this casting director needed a fake trombone player to play for sam jackson and the late bernie mac's band in the movie. what's funny is that the brass musicians are supposed to be high school band students. the guy to the left of me is 18 and the guy to my right is 19. i'm a young 33. nonetheless, todd contacted me and the rest is history. i jumped on the opportunity and got to meet the sam, bernie, and the director malcom lee. little did i know that i would end up in the trailer of the movie. pause it on 1:13 of the trailer and you will see me with the trombone in my hand right behind sam jackson (we are on a first name basis). i'm in a couple of other parts of the trailer for that scene (you'll see me dancing with the trombone). anyway, it was fun and it will come out in theaters on nov. 7th. and will probably have a little added hype now that bernie mac and issac hayes have passed since making it. for a bigger version of the trailer you can go to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool! OK, since you & 'Sam' are on a first name basis, did you get to tell him you're a Star Wars geek, I mean fan? My girls are going to think this is great. Have a great day!